Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Report: Bush Budget Will Clobber Ohio

Cleveland's Center for Community Solutions has crunched the numbers based on a study by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities to determine how much Bush's proposed budget cuts will affect Ohio. They've put out a report detailing $2.5 Billion in cuts through 2010. Some specific numbers:

    • K-12 education funding to Ohio would be cut by $401 million, leaving the state less able to
    cover expenses like meeting the needs of special education students, improving teacher quality,
    and providing after-school programs.
    • Ohio could have to cut child care subsidies for 12,600 children, and 5,000 children would lose
    access to Head Start.
    • Ohio would lose $6.9 million in Ryan White HIV/AIDS funding, resulting in hundreds of
    Ohioans losing access to life-saving medication and health care.
    • Ohio would lose $20.2 million in funding for the Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
    program, meaning 22,000 fewer Ohio low-income families would receive the healthy foods
    and the nutrition counseling provided by the program.
    • Ohio would lose $11.3 million in energy assistance, meaning 26,600 fewer Ohio residents
    would receive help paying their heating bills if the state addressed the shortfall by cutting the
    number of people on the program.
You can read the CCS report and the CBPP study it's based on.


Village Green said...

Sure is great living on the leading edge of the decline and fall of the impoverished states of america.

Anonymous said...

Well, we in Ohio put Bush into office twice, so of course we should expect to be rewarded.