I've had a bad run of attending the events I've been pushing here. It seems like I make a plug, plan to go, then one of my kids gets sick. It's to the point I almost don't want to do it, lest I jinx my household again. But still I do it; I do it for you the readers. So if one of my kids gets some horrible disease, remember: It's your fault.
Williams and Coughlin at Akron Press ClubAkron press club is hosting a program not billed as a debate, but with inevitable debate-like attributes, featuring State Rep. Brian Williams (D-43) and State Sen. Kevin Coughlin (R-27). Details:
“Bi-Partisan Challenges in the Ohio Forecast," Legislative Issues facing Governor Ted Strickland (D) & the GOP-controlled Ohio General Assembly
Moderated by Abe Zaidan and Dave Cohen.
Monday, Feb. 12 at the Martin Center, University of Akron campus at 105 Fir Hill.
Buffet luncheon served at 11:45 a.m. Program Follows. Reservations requested.
Contact info, etc. here.
Karen Stabiner at Laurel School.
The author will talk about her book, My Girl: Adventures with a Teen in Training.
Details: Thursday, February 8 at 7 p.m. The presentation is free and open to the public. More info at Laurel School's website.
This isn't overtly political, but as it happens, Prof. W and I each really enjoyed the book.
Interfaith Meeting on Public Education and Economic Justice
The Network for Interfaith Political Action present's a day-long meeting focusing on state budget priorities this Saturday, Feb. 10 at First Unitarian Church of Cleveland. On the bill are Speaker Jon Husted and freshman Dem Representative Armond Budish (D-8). There will also be workshops on public ed and economic justice. Ohio Fair Schools will be represented, but not by me; I have another commitment to the organization elsewhere.
More Info.
9 months ago
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