Some time ago BSB posted a question about a rumor that Ohio netroots favorite Subodh Chandra was raising money for Sen. Barak Obama. The speculation on the question presented gave way to somewhat ugly Subodh bashing, then his wife wrote a spirited rebuttal. But with all that, the question remained.
I knew that Subodh was planning to devote his considerable energy to getting Obama elected, but didn't know if he was ready to go public. Until now. Subodh has a personal fundraising page up on Obama's community website, and has sent out an announcement about Obama's rally/fundraising tour.
Here are the particulars of that:
Monday, February 26, 2007
5:30 pm
The Club at Key Center
127 Public Square
Cleveland, OH 44114
Public rally to follow.
Doors open at 6 pm.
Cuyahoga Community College--Eastern Campus
Gymnasium at the Student Services Bldg.
4250 Richmond Rd.
Highland Heights, Ohio 44122
You can email buckeyesforobama[at] for tickets to the rally only. Here's a .pdf of the rally flier for anyone who wants to help with publicity.
12:00 pm
One Miranova Place
Columbus, OH
7:30 am VIP reception
8:00 am breakfast reception
The Westin Hotel
21 E. 5th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
The fundraisers are a bit pricey. I've omitted the contact and pricing info, so contact the campaign -- moneil[at] -- for more details.
Chandra says his almost three-year-old triplets are already saying "Obama for President," so look for another great picture of the triplets in t-shirts coming soon.
UPDATE: After hearing from Subodh, I updated the contact info for the fundraisers. Please not that the BuckeyesforObama address is for the rally only. Email the Moneil address for fundraiser info.
8 months ago
Hey Pho! Yeah, I just found out Obama was coming to Cleveland yesterday.
I signed up to receive an email invite. I'd better go check and see if it's in my inbox yet.
This should be interesting...
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