Yglesias points out a tool provided by online dating site Mingle2 that searches a blog and generates an MPAA-style rating. Here's what I get:As usual, the takeaway is that the tool is a bunch of hooey. I don't know how far back the tool searches, but I've dropped the f*bomb more that once in the past. I've also used "gay" way more than twice. Meanwhile, I can't find anywhere that I've used "poop." Except for just now.
Still I think PG is about right. Maybe PG-13 when things get particularly salty in comments. And as a bonus, most kids would find most of the blog intolerably boring before getting to any dicey stuff.
8 months ago
Um, actually you have a label that includes the word poop.
If they were keying in 'douchbag', I know you'd get rated 'R'
The words death pain and dead earned me a PG-13. too much
I was rated "G".
I guess I need to work on destroying my clean cut milktoasty image...
Thx. Funny how Blogger's internal search engine doesn't pick that up. It also shows the limits of the tool -- I used "poop" in an entirely non-scatalogical sense.
Jill and LR:
I love the contrasts. I especially live knowing that they amp you up for "pain" and "death." Pace K, I'd be less comfortable with my kids reading my anti-Pullins douchebag blasts than Jill talking gently about mortality.
Why thank you, Pho! I guess there's no rating for how you say it, just what you say, hm? The problem with computers.
Got a new idea for a PlunderShirt now!
Plunderbund: G Rated Blog Goodness Since 2005!
...too funny.
PBD2 = G, one instance of "screwing".
PBD v1 = also G, one instance of "dead".
I wonder how dead screwing would rate?
The Village Green is rated R for Radical, perhaps? Or perhaps for all the Storm Large videos. No, it is for five references to "death," two for "suicide" and "sex."
I got a PG-13 over 4 instances of the word "gun" (3 of those in an item about mandatory sentencing guidelines) and one instance of the word "bastard" (in my blogroll).
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