Reactions from Plunderbund, Ohio 2nd, Psychobilly Democrat, Live from Dayton, De Magno Opere and Jeff Hess. Jeff's take -- cancelling as an act of chivalry -- is unique and therefore most interesting. I'm not sure about invoking the standards of Truman's day flies here in the oughts, and I'm not sure that a woman who works with -- for God's sake -- newspapermen is someone who's sensibilities need to be defended. Nonetheless, it's an interesting point.
In Plunderbund's comments, Ohio 2nd has a good point about the long-term implications -- that by offending the liberal blogosphere he can't rely on them to counter the inevitable slime attacks from the DeWine campaign in the general election.
The foregoing was in response to questions from Scott Bakalar about whether this will actually play in the MSM. That, of course made me think about Steve Hoffman's blog. And . . . nothing. He's still stubbornly playing [fingers in ears] "Ni ni ni ni I don't hear you Ohio bloggers ni ni ni ni." I'm not even linking to this silliness anymore until he changes his ways.
Meanwhile, via PSD, some additional fallout from Brown's appearance on TPM Cafe's Table for One. Unlike PSD, I'm not much taken with Buckeye Senate's digest of negative comments. Having surveyed about half the comment field myself, I see a much more mixed bag than BSB does, but consider the source.
8 months ago
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