OK, I step out for a long weekend and things blow up all over the NEO blogosphere. I'm trying to catch up on basic household stuff and there's suddenly more than I can even read, much less blog about. I guess people have fully digested their turkey dinners, shaken out the New Year's Day cobwebs and gotten back to it. I feel such the slacker.
Meet the Bloggers has been busy. They have interviewed Secretary of State candidate Jennifer Brunner and Libertarian windmill-tilter and gubernatorial candidate Bill Peirce. Sherrod Brown is this Saturday. Regretfully I will almost certainly not be there as I have another commitment in Columbus that day.
Speaking of MTB, its founders have been busy on Olde Media as well. Buckeye Politics avatar Tim Russo was on 90.3 at Nine this morning to talk politics. I missed it. He apparently is celebrating his appearance by taking the blog offline. No word on what that is about, and no word on whether someone called into the show as "Thisinterviewishorseshit from Lorain."
George Nemeth from BFD will be on the same show tomorrow to talk about blogging. Looking forward to it. Hopefully someone can record and post it since WCPN won't.
A blog covering the race for Sherrod's seat has sprung up -- ohio13 blog. I don't know who's running it, but they appear to have access to the right grapevines.
Another new blog merits mention for the most noble of reasons -- blogrolling the Akron Pages. Heightsmom is politics and motherhood from the frontlines. Take that, Moms for Ohio. I've been scrying the net for sites like this and, increasingly, Jill Miller Zimon's -- politics from the non-junkie perspective. The beginning of this post from Jill is a big reason why -- Democrats have lost much of our natural intelligensia due to distaste with the process. For all their anti-intellectualism, Republicans ironically have not. One of the many steps on the road back to competitiveness for the Dems is bringing people like Jill back into the process.
I'm yet again retoolling the sidebar and will have a place for blogs like ohio13 and Heightsmom and, for that matter, Jill. In the meantime, swing by and say "Hi."
One blog that is already up on the sidebar is that of the Center for Community Solutions. The posts are pegged to the Center's research and reports, so blogging is sporadic. But when they post, its worth a look mainly because John Corlett's work is always worth a look.
Surely I've missed about ten other big items, but I've really got to get some backlog around the house under control. I'll be back tonight.
8 months ago
Thanks for all the mentions, Pho! I was kind of wondering why I wasn't on your roll but I am very much not a quid pro quo kinda gal. Bloggers gotta be who they are - that's kind of the thing of it, isn't it?
Happy New Year. :)
Ohio 13 is taking an interesting tact. Very mysterious.
I don't think that there's any way for a site to be unbiased as they say is their goal. Giving other perspectives a fair shot is about as good as you can get.
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