Apparently e-zine Cool Cleveland (which isn't the DIY 'zine it's trying to sound like) is selecting its coverage of the blogosphere discussion of Voices and Choices. As you know, a number of bloggers picked up on my original post and added their own thoughts, which tended to be less charitable than mine. BFD noted that Cool Cleveland dropped links to two of those posts -- from Callahan and Democracy Guy.
Cool Cleveland kept its link to my original post, but also added a specific link to David Abbott's response. Meanwhile, Cool Cleveland and V&C may be learning why not to draw the undivided attention of the blogosphere.
Callahan drops a lengthy rant about the CC's self-censorship. He also -- and please read to the bottom of his post to get this -- notes that one of the most jarring and incendiary factoids in V&C's Townhall Participant's Guide (.pdf) appears to have no actual source. It was just lifted from a website without attribution and the owner of the original is still trying to track down where he got it. Callahan promises more digging, more posting.
Meanwhile Democracy Guy Tim Russo, at his new home at Buckeye Politics, smells payola in the water and starts circling.
8 months ago
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