In the lead to my "Last RON Roundup" post I foreshadowed a caveat at the end. You may have noticed the end bore no such caveat. Kid T melted down as I was writing the post, so no caveat. What I would have said was this: we are still awaiting some discussion of the election at HypoSpeak. From the available evidence, he was there at the creation.
I'd like to hear what he has to say, particularly with regard to the emerging criticism of the amendments within the Ohio Leftysphere. I tried to raise some of the principled objections in a comment once and got shouted down. The temper of his response was "we negotiated these things carefully. Trust us. And you are with us or against us." (Soon after that I was sufficiently incensed by the tactics of OhioFirst that I had my misgivings hermetically sealed in a Mason jar left on a shelf of Funk and Wagnall's Sporting Goods.)
The day after the election HypoSpeak said he had the flu and would not be posting much. Since then, it's been one quote-heavy post about legalized gambling and naught else. Once he starts talking again, those of us who are feeling let down by the RON drafters may have some pointed questions for him.
Also, I attended the Voices and Choices Townhall Meeting. It was a frothy mix of technology, culture, unbridled optimism and almost comical naiveté. I'll post more tomorrow. It's been a long day.
8 months ago
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