Next Saturay is National Climate Action Day. Rallies are scheduled all around the country, coordinated by a new (to me anyway) group called Step It Up.
Some folks in Akron, including some friends of mine, have organized an Akron rally that looks pretty interesting. They will show An Inconvenient Truth at the Main Library at 10. The meat of the rally happens on Buchtel Common at UA, starting at noon. Rally time includes music by Alex Bevan and Rachel Roberts, speakers including Rep. Betty Sutton and displays of emissions-cutting technologies.
If you are not in the Akron area, you can check out the event finder at Step It Up, which by the way is doing most of the state-of-the-art online organizing things. For instance, organizers can set up pages for local events, so we have a pretty good Akron page with details
They've also made code for banner ads available. For at least the week, I'll have the ad up on sidebar. I've tweaked the html so it takes you directly to the Akron action site.
Unfortunately, I'll be out of town for work that day so once again something cool is happening here and I'll miss it.
9 months ago
Well drat. I have other commmitments that day and won't be able to attend. Following your link, I see that Mayor Don may be speaking. I sure hope he gets cracking on turning Akron toward a greener path.
- posted by Matt N.
Communism has been replaced by ambitious environmentalism as the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, and prosperity.
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