I have been spending most of my blogging time today surveying Sherrod Brown fallout. I just posted a long comment on a "Who Will Run in OH-13" thread on GrowOhio and came up with a few more names:
-Clair Dickinson: Partner at Brouse and McDowell, President of Summit County Council. Upside: Wicked smart. Past experience as an appellate judge in the Ninth District means he has some familiarity with campaigning in Medina and Lorain Counties. Has legislative experience with County Council. Downside: Really wants to be a judge. Low key speaker.
-Kim Zurz: State Senator, 26th District. Upside: Actually legislative experience. Good campaigner with name recognition throughout Akron. Downside: Favorite legislative issue -- education -- is more state than federal. Has a business, husband with a law practice and school-age children, so she may not want to spend half her life in DC.
-Barbara Sykes: State Representative, 44th District. Upside: Legislative experience. Diverse candidate. Very popular in her district. Downside: Most easily painted as an unreconstructed liberal. Most of her district is outside the Congressional district. Doesn't bring much of her own financial resources to the party
9 months ago
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