Topic A lately has been Reform Ohio Now (RON), particularly the redistricting provision. RON's website, campaign website that it is, lacks actual information. To get the good stuff you have to hit the blogs. Tim Tagaris at GrowOhio and HypoSpeak are leading the way. HypoSpeak leads off with a post showing how the Republicans have locked down the state. He also writes up how the last redistricting carved up Franklin and Hamilton Counties. The same can be said of Summit, of course -- ask Tom Sawyer.
Tim Tagaris discusses the first RON ad, recounts a spate of press attention and responds to anemic argument advanced by the anti-RON OhioFirsters.
The other bigish RON news is the endorsement of the issues by TINY GOVERNMENT advocates Ohio Taxpayers' Association. OTA tends to be something of an outlyer organization, so how much their endorsement matters is debatable. On the other hand, principled discussion by an ideological rival is unexpected and welcome in the current climate.
George is leading discussions about the latest NEO economic resuscitation plan, Paul Dolan's College 360 initiative. Here he covers the kickoff, with a link to my earlier post. Here he introduces another blogger's misgivings.
RubberBuzz has been uncharacteristically quiet lately, so treat yourself to Joe's posts on the Akron-bashing post by self-styled PR lama Seth Godin, here and here.
Because of last week's blogout, I didn't link to a post by Bill Callahan recounting his experience helping New Orleans fugees go online to get help from FEMA. It's a must-read for more evidence that the FEMA problems extend well beyond not getting to the Convention Center on time. Bill got buzzflashed, resulting in thousands of hits. He had better stand ready as the dozen of readers here at the House of Pho stampede his way.
8 months ago
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