More Scenes from the Blogging Life.
Last Monday I noticed a first-ever comment from someone registered on Blogger. Because I had a ton of things to do and absolutely no time to be mucking about in cyberspace, I naturally clicked through to the commentor's profile. The commentor, MaryBad, lists as her location "Akron." She also lists four blogs. I click on the one that doesn't have a million co-bloggers discover she's in her first year of teaching English Lit and poetry at Akron U. As I scroll down, I see her kid -- who I've seen before. Sure enough, that day as I was picking up Kid T from preschool, there is Mary picking up her daughter from the same class.
"Mary, right?"
[Hesitantly] "Ye-e-es."
[Hand out] "Pho."
Mary's blog, the Word Cage, is on the side bar. Lyrically wry observations about her life. I'm not much into personal journal blogs, but it's well written and personal without being embarassing. She also drops in academic posts, like this one about Disability Studies. I've only talked to her a couple times now, but she is sufficiently cool that I'm willing to overlook the U. Michigan license plate bracket. Surf on by and have a look.
I've moved Ohio 13 Votes to the "On Hiatus" list since he/they have declared an end, but I'm not willing to accept it. I actually missed O13V at the Sutton party by like two minutes. A couple staffers told me they had just met him, but by then he was gone. No, he didn't work for Betty. Yes, he has a thing against Cafaro.
I finally got around to deleting GrOhio, not that anyone's been tempted to use the link in forever.
Tim Russo is done serializing his book and is blogging current events again, so he's in. I also added Mystery Pollster to the "Everything Else" list. I may have mentioned that already.
If you haven't heard yet, Cindy, Jill and YellowDogSammy are regular guest bloggers on American Street, so I added that as well.
Attention Akron Area Bloggers
Once again I am trying to organize a meetup. I also plan to set up an Akron bloggers blog on Blogger. If you got an email from me today, you are on my list. If you aren't and want to be, email me: pho197[at]hotmail[dot]com.
To My Readers -- The Nice Ones
Finally, I am bad at responding to comments and worse at responding to complementary comments. I've been getting quite a few of those lately and want to tell you all they are much appreciated. Few are as bad at accepting complements as I, and it appears to hold true even online where you can't see me blush. Don't think I didn't notice and I'll try to do better in the future.
Off to bed. I'm up early tomorrow as I will be in Columbus all day for an Ohio Fair Schools Conference and Lobby Day.
8 months ago
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