A quiet day in the mailbox today. A well-done flier from Kevin Griffith, a levy piece from APS for the wonk set and a Frank Communale for County Council postcard. The April Shower of mailers is over.
Got an odd robo-call from Tom Sawyer. It came from his highest-profile supporter -- Tom Sawyer. After all the calls from this pol in support of that one, it was a little refreshing to hear from the guy himself. In it he took the high road -- let's put aside all the attacks and cast positive votes . . . for Ted Strickland and Sherrod Brown. For a voter innocent of the blogosphere it must have been a headsnapper to hear someone suggest putting aside the bickering to vote for the two guys without credible challengers. Then he mentions in an Oh-by-the-way manner that he'd appreciate your vote for him as well.
Sawyer did one of the best political ads I've ever seen when I worked on his campaign against Lynn Slaby in '94. He looked into the camera, recited the charges Slaby was making and said "He knows it's not true and you know it's not true." In that case the low-key high-road approach worked. This time it sounds almost sad.
Speaking of that Brian-Something guy running against Strickland, if I wasn't so tired of him, I'd be worried for him. I have nothing but respect for someone playing out the string. But an 88 county tour over the last weekend of a race in which you are down 3-1 isn't playing out the string, it's delusional. One could chalk it up to Brian setting himself up as a candidate in future elections, but he burned that bridge when he started making veiled remarks about Strickland's sexuality. He's done in this election and he's done in Ohio politics, so the No Sleep 'til Hammersmith* finish has a creepy feel to it.
One thing I'll give Brian; when he was running the Educate Ohio campaign he attracted a tiny but fanatical following. I wonder if he's so insulated himself within that cocoon that he's able to ignore the reality of his situation. You get the picture of Brian wandering around Wednesday morning muttering "How did that happen?" It's been a long time since I've had any use for him, but if anyone is reading who still cares about him, stand by to catch him when he falls. Someone needs to go to his "victory" party armed with a vial of Wellbrutin and the Suicide Hotline number.
I will probably need both of those things if the Columbus Dispatch's poll of the AG's race holds true and Subodh Chandra goes down big. In round one of Blogosphere vs. ODP, ODP is kicking our ass.
Warm fuzzies to PeppermintLisa for endorsing Issue One on her predominently non-political blog. Surf over and drop her a shout-out.
I meant to mention something in my previous Capri Cafaro post -- that as far as I know from talking to her, Betty Sutton is not in favor of junking the entire trade regime, contrary to what Mike Douglas said yesterday. It's entirely Sutton's fault that her position on trade is mush, but if I thought that was her position I'd be endorsing Sawyer.
As we were doing Honk'n'Wave for the levy this afternoon, two friends bent my ear about the Sutton attacks on Sawyer and today's BJ editorial. No question, too much and too far. She may do well with voters at large from the strategy, but she's lost the sort of people that make up my circle of friends. That's why I have a bunch of unused signs in my garage. On the other hand, it's pretty comical that the BJ is evoking the "earlier version of Sutton." I think their petulant refusal to give her any earned ink over their perceptions of her deficiencies as a state legislator pushed the negative campaign to begin with.
According to people who have voted early, the optical scan ballots make voting take longer and, as Redhorse has reported, no one knows if the machines will work, so give yourself plenty of time to stand in line a bit.
A few last minute endorsements.
For Senate in Ohio 27, Kevin Griffith. He's proven himself an able campaigner and Judy Hanna is entirely too liberal to have a prayer against Kevin Coughlin.
For Court of Appeals, Clair Dickenson. I worked with John Quinn -- he in fact hired me to worked in the Summit County Prosecutor's Office, and with Clair in voter protection in '06. Both are excellent people and excellent legal minds. Straight up, Clair is just better. What's more, he's more engaging as a campaigner. And finally, if Quinn is elected, whoever is Governor appoints his replacement in DR court. Unless you want to call Sophie Albrecht "Your Honor," and trust me you don't, vote for Clair.
For Common Pleas court, John Manley. I worked with John as well. A bright and capable man. Paul Gallagher's reputation is consistent with the man who launched the Weeniethon last fall.
I've done my organizing for poll stuff tomorrow. I'll be pretty busy, so don't look for me until late, if at all.
*Good for 35 PhoPoints
8 months ago
Wow, nicklin you've been saying the same thing over & over this week...
This is ratdg1.
Springsteen tour, right?
Why would you wish it upon that young man Griffith to get served up to Kevin Coughlin?
It's a Motorhead album. 35 points for me.
Stand in line? Over in 3-G there was no line and I almost gave the poll workers heart attacks when I told them I had practiced on the new voting machine at the library. The woman just held my balllot and stared at me. It took longer to help two elderly women find their car than it did to vote...
I just want to say that you are the best damn blogger in the business, at least in NEO. Seriously. Your selection of topics, your breadth of background information, your thoughtful analysis, your comfortable style in presenting it all - nobody puts that all together like you. Congratulations, Pho, you're da man.
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