A semi-regular round up of news and ephemera about our hometown.
TV on the Internet
AkronNewsNow has started a short Akron News video segment on the website (h/t Eric Mansfield who enthuses about the effort). Today's effort includes one substantive news story (Summit BoE staying open late for early recall voting) one feature (on Temo's Candy) and a sports story about the Aeroes. Given that local TV too often is little more than a parade of burning homes, it's not bad. Ohio.com's video capability has pretty much gone by the wayside since they did a great job with the airdock fire, so it's good someone is picking up the ball.
Changes at CVNP
John Debo, the Cuyahoga Valley National Park Superintendent, is stepping aside after 21 years to head a nonprofit that raises funds to support the park. He presided over the transition from National Recreation Area to National Park, has kept thing together through funding cuts and floods, and maintained what have to be tricky relations with the many many political entities that border the park. Cuyahoga Valley is one of the treasures of the region. Here's hoping we get another able Superintendent to continue the good work.
Goodyear Job Cuts -- It Could Be Plus Mal
Goodyear announced this week it got union approval for 120 job buyouts. Worse news: "The vote clears the way for a possible move of rubber-making production from Akron to Buffalo, N.Y., within two years." But we may be getting let off easy -- Amiens, France is losing 820 jobs.
Another Week, Another National Award
Akron -- where things suck so bad we have to recall the Mayor, you know -- has won another national award. This one is the City Livability Award from the US Conference of Mayors, awarded for the innovative plan to rebuild Akron Public Schools as Community Learning Centers.
DowntownAkron.com Tries Blogging
The Downtown Akron Partnership, the business consortium working to improve and promote downtown business, now has two blogs up. One is the DowntownAkron blog, and the other is about the GO -- for Get out of the Office -- intiative which encourages, well you can figure it out. So far one post each over the past week, but surf by and offer encouragement.
Chryssie Hynde Pretending Again
The Telegraph offers a rare interview with Akron native and entrepreneur Chrissie Hynde as she readies a new Pretenders release and a best of collection. Not much specific about Akron, aside from acknowledging Vegiterranean.
ESPN: Akron Football Is "Soft"
Penn State will host Akron, and for it's effort is being awarded with the title of second-softest non-conference schedule by ESPN columnist Bruce Feldman. According to Feldman, "Akron also is an OK opponent, but is still coming off a 5-7 season." Something to hold onto for the maiden season of InfoCision Stadium.
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