Two syllabi, a week of classes and a couple of classes to prepare, so I'll be off until tonight. Until then, enjoy the following:
Briefcase Radical pretty much nails the Ninth District's ruling against the state law banning residency requirements. SCOhio reads no substance into local home rule and don't much care for big city mayors. Let the residency requirement death watch begin.
Speaking of death watches, Richardson is out. After Iowa I got a "Never say die" email from the campaign. I figured he was done when I hadn't gotten the same thing post-NH. In any event, it's probably good news for Obama heading into So. Carolina.
If you've been following the controversy in Richfield over the proposed Sree Venkateswara Hindu temple you might be interested in this post on my church blog. A bunch of us turned out yesterday for what turned out to be a non-hearing on the matter.
Geeking Akron notes that CompUSA is liquidating, but a few stores may remain. FWIW I was at the Fairlawn store the other day. They have clearance signs all over (but not great deals as a result.) The check-out guy said they are closing but some regulation prevents them from saying so at this point. Presumably that is something arising from the bankruptcy case, but it may be the result of ongoing decisions by the company's receiver about what to do with the bricks and mortar.
Some non-traditional political analyses. Ed Esposito on how Obama has the best widgets. Chief Source on the smart money moving to Obama. Limerick Savant's take on Hillary's win.
Some more traditional analysis. Rothenberg on why Obama v. Huckabee is the Dems dream match-up. MCDAC on why Hillary's win is nothing to cry about.
TBMD flagged this story about corporations lifting people's online photos. We've dealt with this repeatedly with political campaigns. It's a higher level of awfulness when huge companies who aggressively guard their own intellectual property do it.
Finally, xkcd on the nature of Ron Paul supporters. Hilarity.
8 months ago
checked out the montrose comp usa in between christmas and new years...everything was only about 10% off
It's fifteen percent now for everything but computers and MP3 players. They also have signs up that the shelves and fixtures are up for sale.
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