Today's the first day of class. As mentioned before, I took on a second class in a fit of temporary insanity. I'll be teaching a comparative criminal law class MWF and the section of constitutional law covering the Bill of Rights TTh. Somewhere in between all those preps I'll continue to write for Catalyst and continue to beat the bushes for additional work.
Oh, and blog a little.
I think.
In honor of how ridiculous the schedule is this semester, you have to make due with some links unless I get some unexpected burst of creative energy later tonight.
Poll watchers must have been waiting for this. An article on Pollster attributing the anomalous New Hampshire primary results to likely voter screens.
Jill has drawn compiling the 100th Carnival and has put out an APB in an attempt to get 100 posts. Surf over and contribute.
Rasmussen: Romney and McCain are neck and neck in Michigan; Giuliani and McCain are in a dead heat in Florida. If Romney and/or Giuliani pull these out it's a genuine three or four candidate race for the foreseeable future Republicans will find it hard to pull the party together with four winners in the first six primaries.
Closer to home County Executive Russ Pry has his re-election web site up. So-so design but great content. I especially like the pdf of his first 100 days. It doesn't literally include an entry for each day, but problably 60-70 of them. Makes you realize how well the guy got up and running.
YDS has a fairly complete candidates list up. He's going state/district-wide, so no common pleas judicial candidates. That list you can find here. More to come on that.
Ed Morrison on BFD linked to a cool EdWeek map tool that color-codes school districts by graduation rate. Some surprises in Summit County and nearby. Just plug "summit county ohio" into the search field.
8 months ago
I never thought I would see a brokered convention, put on the GOP side it is feasible.
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