Friday, January 05, 2007

Where's Pho?

As you may have gathered from the radio silence, I didn’t get a post up before leaving for Christmas vacation. In addition, I was unsuccessful in finding a hotspot in Wilmington. We are now on the second leg of the trip – a week in DC. Alas, free internet still eludes me as we are in a hotel that charges for access.

This baffles me. The more you pay for a hotel, the more internet access costs. We are staying at a business hotel which charges $10/day. On vacation we stay at the same hotel chain's midmarket versions and get free wifi. Last year we were at a luxury hotel in DC (on someone else's dime I assure you) and had to pay $25. There's untapped potential here in marketing upscale hotels. Cue Robin Leach: "This resort is so exclusive, internet access will set you back $1000 a day."


I have the kids in tow, limiting my ability to survey the scene yesterday as the new Congress got sworn in (and, ridiculously, sworn at.) YellowDogSammy was here and will hopefully have something up when Ohio Daily Blog goes live. I'll probably work something up as well, limited though it might be.

I’ll be back full time next week. In the meantime, I hope everyone had a joyous holiday season.


Jill said...

And happy new year to you - sounds like life has been fun (no, seriously!). Enjoy.

Village Green said...

I'll plug my own report of the Sherrod events -- available at

And I too am amazed that hotels charge so much for wireless. Truly, staying at the Hyatt in DC was a one night splurge. I could not have afforded to stay another night.

Good to hear from you again Pho. Happy vacation!