Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Stuff is happening. Here's what's what.

Congressman Tim Ryan will be speaking at the Akron Press Club Friday, Jan. 26 at the UAkron Martin Center. From the Press Club website:

    Recently appointed to the House Appropriations Committee, he also serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and co-chairs the House Manufacturing Caucus. Some of the current issues Congressman Ryan is focused on include strengthening America's manufacturing base; making college more affordable; improving childhood nutrition, and revitalizing America's downtowns.
Lunch starts at 11:45. Cost is $15; five bucks off if you are a member. Rep. Ryan is truly one of the rising Dem. stars in Congress. He is a smart and able legislator, and has also worked the internal politics of the House admirably. He's a good speaker to boot.

Roots camp is being organized by ProgressOhio, a new liberal advocacy group focussed on online organizing. Erstwhile Plunderbund blogger Eric Vessels is on staff there. Per the website, roots camp is:
    for people who played a role in the 2006 elections in the state of Ohio and are prepared to share with others innovations, failures, old wisdom and new discoveries. It is a place to engage with exceptional people from all levels and all sectors of the progressive movement with an eye towards doing things even better in 2008 and beyond. Please invite other exceptional folks you may have worked with -- from precinct captains to consultants to candidates. RootsCampOH is for EVERYONE who played any role in the 2006 elections -- including local staff, local activists, and volunteers.
I'll be there, but I'm still not sure in what capacity. The conference has a freeform, organic organization in which people who want to present just sign up an do so. It's happening at the Y in Columbus. Details at ProgressOhio

If you are not yet inaugerated out, Sen. Sherrod Brown is holding an Ohio swearing-in ceremony in the Columbus Athenaeum on January 20th at 11:00 AM. Sign up to attend.

Finally, you may have noticed tonight's Next Step meeting on the Upcoming badge. Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month at the Main Library. Next month's meeting promises to be a big one. We will have updates on the proposed ballot issue and the coming budget advocacy effort. We will have a statehouse report as a number of members will be attending a PTA Advocacy Day in early February. And we hope to have some specific proposals for group action as this year moves forward.