The House of Pho is on the road, blogging from whatever hotel will give me free wi-fi. Right now it is the Hampton Inn in Frederick, MD (plugs for free access are a tradition here on the Pages.)
A few event notices are coming my way via email and elsewhere. You might want to check things out to help fill the void left by my lengthy silences.
Both the Dem Party and MoveOn are encouraging nationwide DIY events marking the last 100 days until Election 06. The Dems are putting on Democratic Reunions. You can plug in your zip here to find one near you. An event showed up for Summit last week, but now is gone. Here’s the search result for 100 miles around my zip code. Unfortunately, nothing shows for where we will be vacationing, confirming my impression that the place is fairly red.
MoveOn does better in Summit Co. with an event in Copley Monday night. RSVP here.
Back to Sunday, my friend Debbie Phillips is having a fundraiser in Columbus with guest Francis Strickland. Contact the campaign for details. (And full disclosure, I contract with the agency she runs though she is now on leave, blah blah.) I hear tell a Cleveland FR is also in the works and will plug that one insufferably.
SCPD will be meeting as usual the second Tuesday of the week. I’ll try to get that up on Upcoming (memo to the Upcoming folks – I’d plug a lot more stuff in there if I didn’t have to go through all the rigmarole of inputting details of every new venue.)
Finally, Sherrod Brown will Meet the Bloggers -- no really!-- on Saturday, August 12. I will be back in town by then, but alas will be in Columbus for a work meeting.
8 months ago
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