It's been a fine week here, but the end is drawing nigh. We check out today for a few days of visiting in-laws. For the blog this means limited internet access and therefore even more sporadic posting than you have dealt with thus far. On the plus side, I won't be sharing a room with the young'uns, so I'll be able to write more. I have some more things to say about what we saw on this trip, plus a couple other thought pieces rattling around my dome. At some point, I may have a number of posts up all at once.
In the meantime, my usual plug for hotels that offer free access. If you decide to vacation in Chincoteague, I recommend The Hampton Inn and Suites. And hey, you get to add to Paris Hilton's ultimate inheritance, which is apparently the most important thing for our elected officials to be doing right now.
Finally, I maintain the inverse logic of my vacation posts. I started with a sunset. I close for now with sunrise on the beach this morning.
9 months ago
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