It's a cliche to say Ohio is a bellweather, Ohio is a swing state, Ohio is the lynchpin of this year's election. It also happens to be true.
Consider a little of what has happened just in the past week.
It started a week ago when Senator Evan Bayh (IN) stopped in Ohio to raise money and campaign for John Cranely, candidate in Ohio 1st against Steve Chabot.Wednesday U.S. Rep. and Dem. Caucus Chair James E. Clyburn (D-SC), teamed up with Tim Ryan and Stephanie Tubbs Jones to stump for Betty Sutton, candidate in the 13th. YellowDogSammy has a summary and video of the press conference up on Ohio2006. All I have is the blurry pic to the right.
At the event, Rep. Clyburn mentioned having stopped in Cincinnati on the way up for, as it turns out, another stump for Chabot Cranley. The link above also mentions that former Georgia Senator and Karl Rove victim Max Cleland will be visiting to campaign for Sherrod Brown.
Today I got a robo-call from Sen. John Kerry calling for volunteers to help Ted Strickland and Sherrod Brown. The call gives you the option of pressing one to reach the Party. I pressed, expecting to get some lame recorded message and instead reached a real volunteer at Summit Dem HQ. Smooth.
And I got two fundraising invites from Subodh Chandra on behalf of Ted Strickland today. One is a meet and greet with former Virginia Governor and '08 hopeful Mark Warner in Cleveland next Wednesday. I'll try to get details on the Upcoming badge. The other is a house party with Al Gore in the California home of Joel and Susan Hyatt. Needless to say, that's a big ticket, but if you are reading in NoCal and have an interest, details here.
9 months ago
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