Thursday, July 31, 2008

Catalyst Ohio Poll re: Strickland's Education Plans

Catalyst Ohio, a non-profit magazine from which I occasionally get freelance work, is conducting an online poll regarding Strickland's plan to consolidate state education administration. As it happens, that's a central theme of my (long-delayed) take on the Guv's education town hall last week, so I'll push off that post yet again. For now, please click through the link and take the survey.

Here's the message from Catalyst:

    Hello Catalyst Reader,

    Here's your chance to weigh in on an issue critical to improving Ohio's schools.

    What do you think of Gov. Ted Strickland's proposal to appoint a cabinet-level director of education, which would relegate the Ohio Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State School Board to the role of advisors?

    Please click on Go to Catalyst Quiz on right and take a minute to share your views.
The link pulls up your default email program with an email to the Editor with the subject line that let's them know it's a survey response.


Anonymous said...

Hey, fix your link!

Rather low tech to conduct a poll by soliciting emails...

Anonymous said...

Guv's education town hall last week, so I'll push off that post yet again.

In the meantime, Here's feedback from the Governor's Dayton Conversation on Education.